MonolithLair - Buy Cards From Our Card Stack
Rares for Sale

          At MonolithLair we have a nice Inventory of Rare Cards. Most of the Cards are from the Recent Sets like Prophecy, Nemesis, 6th Edition, and Mercadian Masques. A few of Them are from Old Sets Like 4th and 5th Edition. We also sell Common and Uncommon Cards. Uncommons are $0.50 and Commons are $0.25. E-Mail us to Check if We Have it. Once you Have Decided What you want and have clicked the Check Boxes, Fill out the Form Below the Cards and Submit. Then we will let you know if we can get you the Cards you Want.
Rare Cards

1. Searing Wind.................... $8
2. Foil Devastate................... $3
3. Fervor.............................. $4
4. Okk.................................. $4
6. Foil Mountain.................... $3..... Max: 2
7. Yawgmoth's Bargain.......... $9
8. Foil Greel, Mind Raker....... $5 (Bent)
9. Bog Elemental................... $5
10. Lurking Evil.................... $4
11. Stromgald Cabal.............. $4
12. Infernal Genesis............... $6
13. Avatar of Hope................ $7
14. Blessed Wind................... $8
15. Foreign False Prophet....... $7
16. False Prophet................... $5
17. Wrath of God................... $8
18. Cho-Arrium Bruiser........... $6..... Max: 3
19. Master Healer................... $5..... Max: 2
20. Blinking Spirit................... $6
21. Ramosian Sky Marshal....... $5
22. Foil Noble Stand................ $5
23. Foil Excise......................... $3
24. Sheltering Prayers.............. $4
25. Foil Withdraw.................... $3
26. Cowardice......................... $4
27. Foil Island......................... $3..... Max: 3
28. Keldon Battlewagon........... $4..... Max: 3
29. Copper-Leaf Angel............. $6
30. Citanul Flute...................... $5..... Max: 2
31. Lotus Blossom................... $6
32. Mishra’s Helix................... $7
33. Well of Discovery.............. $5
34. Avatar of Might................. $7
35. Dual Nature....................... $7
36. Defense of the Heart........... $6..... Max: 3
37. Natural Affinity.................. $4..... Max: 4

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